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Benefits of peanuts

Peanut, a kind of food material known as "longevity fruit" by the ancestors, is a treasure all over the body! Unfortunately, many people mistakenly believe that the fat content of peanuts is too high, which is easy to be obese or lead to high blood lipids

In fact, eating peanuts has very high medicinal and health value. Eating peanuts properly can not only protect the heart and replenish water, but also reduce fat, stabilize blood sugar and so on. So, put aside the prejudice against peanuts and enjoy the delicious and nutritious ingredients! Peanut kernel, peanut coat, peanut bud and even peanut shell can be eaten

A handful of pistachios every day: protect the heart and stabilize blood sugar

The study found that people who eat more peanuts can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease

35%。 This is because regular eating can reduce the content of "bad cholesterol" low-density lipoprotein, prevent coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis, and make the heart healthier.

Peanuts are also rich in calcium. Whether children, pregnant women or the elderly, ensuring a certain amount of peanuts every day can help strengthen bones.

1. Steady blood sugar: one in the morning

Eating a handful of peanuts in the morning will help stabilize blood sugar throughout the day, because peanuts will slow down the absorption of carbohydrates.

2. Clear blood vessels and protect the heart: use peanut oil for cooking. You can use peanut oil for cooking, or eat more than a dozen peanuts per meal to ensure the intake of unsaturated fatty acids.

Unsaturated fatty acids in peanuts can decompose cholesterol in the liver into bile acids and promote excretion, so as to reduce the content of cholesterol in the blood and prevent atherosclerosis.

3. Eliminate acid reflux: dry chewing peanuts

Methods: when gastric acid reflux, eating 5 to 10 raw peanuts can effectively alleviate gastric acid.